

The Clownbackground

The Clown


Kenneth Chase was born in 1932 by a difficult labor, which his mother wouldn't survive. This event drove a rift between him and his father that never closed. As the boy grew, so did his father's resentment, and his drinking habit. By the time Kenneth was at school, they lived mostly separate lives.

Academically, he was unremarkable, coasting by on his significant athletic prowess. He grew tall and strong, excelling at track events, but shunned any attempts to coax him into team sports.

On his walk home from school, he would often find feathers on the ground and he soon began a collection, keeping them in a cigar box under his bed. With his father either at work or in an alcohol-induced stupor, Kenneth had hours to spend alone, transfixed by the regularity of the feathers' barbs and feeling the softness as he ran them over his lips. Watching the birds that came to the feeder in his garden, he imagined how soft they must be and resolved to catch one. He ingratiated himself with the local dentist, soon procuring some anesthetic. Using this, he rigged up a trap on the feeder, that he hoped would knock out a bird long enough that he could touch it.

After a few failed attempts, he managed to trap a robin. As it lay in his hand, he felt a sudden rush, of a life at his mercy. He had planned to release it once it recovered from the anesthetic. Instead, as its eyes flickered back into consciousness and it began to struggle, his grip remained firm. His fingers slowly tightened around its throat, squeezing until its chest feathers were finally still. He disposed of the body, keeping just a feather, with which he started a new collection, discarding the others as ‘fake'.

By the late 1940s, Kenneth had left school and started working as a busboy at a local diner. He had also escalated to larger prey, like squirrels, raccoons and dogs, becoming skilled at customizing the anesthetic dosage for each.

In early 1954, a young man went missing and the town was turned upside down in the search. A few months later, Kenneth's father, while doing some work in the crawlspace under the house, found a cigar box. He broke it open and saw, to his horror, that it contained feathers, animal paws, and a man's finger.

Returning from work, Kenneth saw his father leaving the crawlspace with a cigar box in his hands. He turned on his heel and never went home again.

After a few weeks of living rough, he encountered a traveling circus and, with his prodigious strength, was hired to work the ropes. He assumed a new name: Jeffrey Hawk.

Suddenly surrounded by a close-knit community, “Jeffrey” had to learn to socialize. He donned a new personality like a disguise, quickly becoming known as charming and helpful, and was welcomed into his new family.

Over the next decade, he stayed with the circus, traveling the length and breadth of the USA. But, with the itinerant life providing few repercussions, he fell into bad habits. Drink, junk food, drugs, he indulged all of them to excess. For a time, these vices were enough, but then his old urges returned and his nomadic existence became a cover for him to resume killing. He stole clothes and makeup from performers, fashioning a disguise that would let him get close to his victims before he anesthetized them, bringing them back to his caravan, where they would awake to find themselves bound and at his mercy. He would finally get to have his fun, mentally and physically torturing them, their screams fueling him, before being lost in the night.

Once their strength was at its lowest, he would carefully examine their fingers, searching for the prettiest, running them over his tongue to find the tastiest. Once he found the best, he would cut it from their hand and proudly add it to his collection, disposing of the rest of the body as pointless waste.

Men, women, young, old, he didn't care. The essence of a good collection is in the variety, in the memories and stories they evoke.

He removed the costume less and less, shedding his old personality with it, fully embracing the clown, his true self.

With time, he became complacent and sloppy. A victim managed to work free of her bindings while he was sleeping off the drink. She escaped, screaming for help, and he awoke to find the rest of the circus bearing down on him. He whipped his horse and the caravan disappeared into the night.

Since then he has roamed the country, a parasite who could always be found at a carnival or circus, but who would never been seen on any playbill. He lured those brave, or foolish, enough to come near, trapped them and moved on before they could be found missing.

Somewhere along the way, he left the ordinary roads of the USA behind him, traveling through a veil of mist and entering a new realm. It was a place of transience and impermanence, perfectly suiting the life he had chosen to lead. Feeling more at home than he had in his entire life, he set up camp and waited for his first visitor.


Even those without a fear of clowns know to be terrified of you.

Survivors within your Terror Radius have a 30/40/50% penalty to healing progression speed, and healing Skill Checks move 50% faster.

Pop Goes the Weasel
Pop Goes the Weasel
A deep bond with The Entity unlocks great strength.

After hooking a Survivor, the next generator you damage instantly loses 30% of its current progress. Normal generator regression applies after the Damage Generator action.

Pop Goes the Weasel is active for 35/40/45 seconds after the Survivor is hooked.

Your vault speed is 5/10/15% faster.

Performing a vault action calls upon The Entity to block that vault location for 8/12/16 seconds.

Only 1 vault location may be blocked in this way at any time. The vault location is blocked only for Survivors.

Does not affect pallets.


The Afterpiece Tonic
The Afterpiece Tonic
Throughout his years experimenting with anesthetics and muscle relaxants, The Clown developed several effective concoctions and formulas. He has used his favorite, The Afterpiece Tonic, to great effect, intoxicating and capturing many unwilling victims. The associated Afterpiece Antidote also has useful effects.

Tap the Active Ability button to switch between the Afterpiece Tonic and the Afterpiece Antidote. Tap or hold and release the Power button to launch a bottle.

Press and hold the Active Ability button to replenish your bottles.

SPECIAL ABILITY: Afterpiece Tonic

On contact, the bottle will break, releasing a purple gas cloud that intoxicates Survivors. Intoxicated Survivors will suffer from impaired vision, reduced movement speed, and involuntary coughing for 2 seconds.

SPECIAL ABILITY: Afterpiece Antidote

On contact, the bottle will break, releasing a gray gas cloud which turns yellow upon activation. The Clown and any Survivors who enter an active Antidote cloud gain a 10% movement speed bonus for 5 seconds. Intoxicated Survivors who enter an Antidote cloud are cured.


VHS Porn
VHS Porn
Makes Afterpiece Tonic clouds yellow. Makes Afterpiece Antidote clouds purple.
Robin Feather
Robin Feather
Decreases bottle throw cooldown by 40%.
Party Bottle
Party Bottle
Party Bottles emit confetti when they break, in addition to their usual gas effect. Hitting a Survivor directly with a Party Bottle interrupts actions as usual, and awards 100 Devious Bloodpoints.
Fingerless Parade Gloves
Fingerless Parade Gloves
Increases bottle throw speed by 25%. Decreases bottle throw angle by 15 degrees.
Thick Cork Stopper
Thick Cork Stopper
Decreases reload time by 0.5 seconds.
Sticky Soda Bottle
Sticky Soda Bottle
Start with 1 extra bottle. Increases maximum carried bottles amount by 1.
Starling Feather
Starling Feather
Decreases bottle throw cooldown by 50%.
Solvent Jug
Solvent Jug
Increases duration of Invigoration by 1 seconds.
Kerosene Can
Kerosene Can
Intoxication inflicts Blindness for 30 seconds.
Sulfuric Acid Vial
Sulfuric Acid Vial
Intoxication inflicts Mangled.
Spirit of Hartshorn
Spirit of Hartshorn
Increases the size and spread of Afterpiece Antidote gas clouds by 20%.
Smelly Inner Soles
Smelly Inner Soles
Increases movement speed while reloading bottles by 66%.
Flask of Bleach
Flask of Bleach
Increases the Hindered penalty from Intoxication by an additional 4%. Hindered reduces Survivor movement speed.
Bottle of Chloroform
Bottle of Chloroform
Increases the size and spread of Afterpiece Tonic gas clouds by 20%.
Garish Make-Up Kit
Garish Make-Up Kit
Increases the duration of Invigoration by 2 seconds.
Ether 15 Vol%
Ether 15 Vol%
Increases the duration of Intoxication by 1 second.
Cigar Box
Cigar Box
While The Clown or a Survivor is Invigorated, they see all other Survivor and Killer auras within 16 meters.
Cheap Gin Bottle
Cheap Gin Bottle
Start with 2 extra bottles. Increases maximum carried bottles amount by 2.
Tattoo's Middle Finger
Tattoo's Middle Finger
Auras of Intoxicated or Invigorated Survivors are revealed to you for 6 seconds.
Redhead's Pinky Finger
Redhead's Pinky Finger
Direct hits by a bottle of Afterpiece Tonic inflict Exposed until Intoxication ends. Start with 3 fewer bottles. Decreases maximum carried bottles amount by 3.