

The Ghost Facebackground

The Ghost Face


Danny Johnson, known as Jed Olsen by some, grabbed the newspaper from the kitchen counter: it was a week old, but his face was on the front page, grainy and sunken. It was one of those muggy afternoons in Florida when heat and humidity permeated everything in the kitchen, making him sweat while standing still. He slouched in a damp chair to read. This article had better be good-his work in Roseville had been outstanding.


June 18, 1993

At first glance, Jed Olsen was a modest and enthusiastic freelancer with experience in a variety of small newspapers. The staff at the Roseville Gazette appreciated how easy-going and honest he seemed, and so he was treated as a stranger for no more than five minutes into his interview:

“Jed quickly spotted the editor-in-chief in the room, gave him a wide smile and a firm handshake, and talked about good old American values. And that was it, he was in. ”-Ex-Contributor at the Roseville Gazette

Olsen never justified his erratic career path, which zigzagged between several small towns from Utah to Pennsylvania. There was no verification of his previous jobs. He had a decent portfolio plus a good attitude, and they needed a contributor right away.


Olsen had been working at the newspaper for five months when the Roseville Murders began: victims from young to old, stabbed to death in their homes. From the reports, the victims seemed chosen at random, yet the Killer knew his way around in the houses. The multiple stab wounds indicated a personal motive. No traces of DNA were found. The local police were confounded: the murders were carried with fury akin to a crime of passion yet coldly premeditated.

The murderer also liked to stalk his targets. Two victims had reported being followed on their way home by a dark figure, a few days prior their death. The Killer would follow them from Walleyes, a small bar in Northern Roseville, and snap pictures of them at home, while looking for a way in. He could watch the same victim for weeks, meticulously registering their habits and routines. When he felt the urge to kill, he'd visit the most vulnerable victim on his list, and break inside the house quietly.

The whole staff worked on the Roseville Murders story. Olsen was often sent to interview the family of victims and relay official statements from the police. Unknown to everyone at the time, his involvement added to the final body count.


Panic swelled in Roseville when Olsen produced footage of a hooded figure breaking into a house at night. The masked face, a white blur in the dark, stared at the camera for a second, before disappearing inside. “Ghost Face Caught on Tape” was the resulting article, written by Olsen. He seemed proud of his work at the time, enjoying how the whole town feared his ghost stories.

Weeks later, Olsen left a note on his work desk and disappeared:

“I hope you liked my stories--I enjoyed bringing them to life. Don't worry, I'm not done. ” -Jed Olsen

The Roseville law enforcement still refuses to comment as Jed Olsen remains at large.

Danny smiled, ripping out the article from the newspaper. When the investigation had been pointing to him, he'd packed his bags and left Roseville swiftly.

He got up, the clammy seat pulling his skin. An oppressive humidity engulfed him as he entered the bedroom. Condensation dribbled on a small misted-up window as bits of cracked wallpaper hung limply. Its floral pattern was covered with gruesome photos and newspaper headlines. Danny pinned the week-old article on top of a picture of lacerated scalps. A faint pang of hunger hit him, and he wondered when he had eaten last. Was it this morning, while washing his knife and clothes Or was it last night, after following that girl down the street? He couldn't remember clearly.

Taking a step back, he admired his work on the wall. His mind drifted, remembering all the articles he'd written, the stories he'd planned, and the scenes he'd brought to life.

A shiver ran through him. A chilling breeze transformed the bedroom's humidity into an opaque, freezing Fog. A woman shrieked. Dead leaves crunched under his feet.

He smiled in anticipation.


I'm All Ears
I'm All Ears
Your keen senses are sharpened in the dark realm of The Entity.

Any Survivor performing a rushed action within 48 meters from your location will have their aura revealed for 6 seconds.

I'm All Ears can only be triggered once every 60/50/40 seconds.

Thrilling Tremors
Thrilling Tremors
Your dark designs and shrewd composure rouse The Entity.

After picking up a Survivor, all Generators not being repaired by Survivors are blocked by The Entity and cannot be repaired for the next 16 seconds. Affected generators are highlighted by a white aura.

Thrilling Tremors can only be triggered once every 100/80/60 seconds.

Furtive Chase
Furtive Chase
You lurk in the shadows, eliminating your victims one by one.

You become obsessed with one Survivor. When your Obsession is hooked, gain the Undetectable status effect and a 5% Haste status effect for 14/16/18 seconds.

When a Survivor rescues the Obsession from a hook, the rescuer becomes the Obsession.


Night Shroud
Night Shroud
The Ghost Face used to study his victims for weeks, meticulously registering their habits. When the urge to kill swelled, he'd know exactly how and where to strike.


Press the Power button to activate Night Shroud when the power gauge is full. The Ghost Face is granted the Undetectable status effect while Night Shroud is active. Performing a basic attack fully depletes the power gauge and deactivates Night Shroud.


Survivors within proximity to The Ghost Face may attempt to reveal him by looking in his direction for a short duration. A successful reveal fully depletes The Ghost Face's power gauge and automatically deactivates Night Shroud. Survivors who reveal The Ghost Face have their current location indicated by Killer Instinct for a very short duration.


Hold down the Power button to Stalk Survivors while Night Shroud is active. Hold down the Power button while behind cover to lean out and Stalk at a faster rate. Completing Stalk progress on a Survivor Marks your target and applies the Exposed status effect to your Mark for a limited amount of time. Marked Survivors cannot reveal The Ghost Face.


Press the Active Ability button to Crouch. Press the Active Ability button again while Crouched to stand. The Ghost Face moves at a slower speed while Crouched.


Decreases time required to Mark a Survivor by 20%.
Walleye's Matchbook
Walleye's Matchbook
Decreases Night Shroud recovery time by 6 seconds.
Headline Cut-Outs
Headline Cut-Outs
Compiling your success makes you proud and boosts your confidence. Increases movement speed while stalking by 40%.
Cheap Cologne
Cheap Cologne
Increases Marked duration by 10 seconds.
Telephoto Lens
Telephoto Lens
A Survivor that reveals The Ghost Face is inflicted with Oblivious for 60 seconds.
Cinch Straps
Cinch Straps
Night Shroud remains active after a failed basic attack.
Olsen's Journal
Olsen's Journal
A Survivor that is Marked is inflicted with Oblivious until the Mark expires.
Olsen's Address Book
Olsen's Address Book
Survivors that are Marked reveal their auras for 5 seconds when performing rushed actions.
Marked Map
Marked Map
Increases duration of Killer Instinct after being revealed by 2 seconds.
Olsen's Wallet
Olsen's Wallet
Breaking a pallet or wall immediately recharges Night Shroud.
Leather Knife Sheath
Leather Knife Sheath
Increases crouched movement speed by 10%.
Lasting Perfume
Lasting Perfume
Survivors that are on a hook take 3 seconds to reveal The Ghost Face.
Knife Belt Clip
Knife Belt Clip
Reduces the Terror Radius by 12 meters while crouching.
Chewed Pen
Chewed Pen
Survivors that are in the dying state take 3 seconds to reveal The Ghost Face.
Victim's Detailed Routine
Victim's Detailed Routine
After being Marked, Survivors are inflicted with Exhausted for 5 seconds.
Night Vision Monocular
Night Vision Monocular
A Survivor that reveals The Ghost Face is inflicted with Exhausted for 10 seconds.
Drop-Leg Knife Sheath
Drop-Leg Knife Sheath
The Ghost Face gains 10% movement speed for 5 seconds after Marking a Survivor.
Driver's License
Driver's License
When Marking a Survivor repairing a generator, the generator explodes and loses 20% progress. The affected generator becomes blocked for 15 seconds. When Marking multiple Survivors at the same time, the loss of progress only applies once.
"Ghost Face Caught on Tape"
"Ghost Face Caught on Tape"
Instantly recharges Night Shroud after a successful basic attack that puts a Survivor into the dying state.
Outdoor Security Camera
Outdoor Security Camera
The auras of all Survivors are revealed for 7 seconds when a Marked Survivor is put into the dying state.