

The Mastermindbackground

The Mastermind


Albert Wesker was a high-ranking official in the Umbrella Corporation. While he made great strides with Umbrella, his ambition drove him to betray the corporation. Believing himself the best test subject, he exposed himself to the Prototype virus. Now with superhuman strength, Wesker faked his death and went underground with a new plan: expose the world to Uroboros, a biological weapon that would eliminate the weak and leave only the strong.

Wesker began to put his plan to action in Africa but was confronted by members of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance at a hangar stocked with missiles carrying Uroboros. Determined to be at the vanguard of evolution, he once again made himself a test subject. Exposing himself to Uroboros, he began to evolve in ways he could have never imagined. But as he felt his cells change, a strange black fog seeped into the hangar and filled his vision. When the fog finally dissipated, he found himself in another world surrounded by lesser beings that deserved to be put out of their misery.


Awakened Awareness
Awakened Awareness
Your genes have been altered to heighten your senses in intense situations.

When carrying a Survivor, you can see the aura of other Survivors within 16/18/20 meters of your position.

You are a brilliant tactician who prepares for every eventuality.

When exit gates are powered, this perk activates. While Terminus is active, injured, downed and hooked Survivors are inflicted with the Broken status effect until exit gates are open.

When exit gates are open, Survivors will stay Broken for an additional 20/25/30 seconds.

Broken prevents Survivors from being healed.

Superior Anatomy
Superior Anatomy
Decades of research have culminated in you: something faster, stronger, and more dangerous than any human.

When a Survivor performs a fast vault within 8 meters of you, this perk activates. The next time you vault a window, your vaulting speed is increased by 30/35/40%.

This perk deactivates after vaulting a window.

This perk has a 30 second cooldown.


Virulent Bound
Virulent Bound
The Mastermind can barrel forward, Infecting Survivors with the Uroboros virus or leaping over obstacles.

Press and hold the Power button to charge a Bound attack. While charging, The Mastermind moves slightly slower as he prepares his strike. When charged, press the Attack button to Bound. If The Mastermind hits a Survivor, that Survivor becomes Infected (or furthers their Infection). Should The Mastermind crash into something during this Bound, he will slam the Survivor, causing damage; if not, the Survivor is thrown, losing a health state if they are thrown into any solid object.

If Virulent Bound hits a dropped pallet or vault location, The Mastermind vaults over the obstacle.


Upon being hit by Virulent Bound, Survivors become Infected. Infected builds over time, and when fully Infected, the Survivor suffers from the Hindered effect. If a Virulent Bound grabs and slams a Survivor while they are fully Infected, The Mastermind will automatically carry them.


At the beginning of each trial, several Supply Crates spawn. Each contains a First Aid Spray. When Infected, a Survivor can use the First Aid Spray on themselves or another, removing the Infection. Each First Aid Spray has a set number of charges. After using a First Aid Spray, the Survivor's location is briefly revealed by Killer Instinct.


Jewel Beetle
Jewel Beetle
Decreases the Virulent Bound extension when grabbing a Survivor mid-Bound by 50%. Gain 100% bonus Bloodpoints for Virulent Bound score events.
Unicorn Medallion
Unicorn Medallion
Increases the initial Virulent Bound distance by 20%. Decreases the subsequent Virulent Bound distance by 20%.
R.P.D. Shoulder Walkie
R.P.D. Shoulder Walkie
Decreases the initial Virulent Bound distance by 20%. Increases the subsequent Virulent Bound distance by 20%.
Uroboros Tendril
Uroboros Tendril
Increases movement speed while charging Virulent Bound by 5%.
Loose Crank
Loose Crank
Increases movement speed between the first and second Virulent Bounds by 8%.
Leather Gloves
Leather Gloves
Decreases the time to recharge Virulent Bound by 10%.
Lion Medallion
Lion Medallion
Increases the distance at which Survivors are thrown by 30%.
Chalice (Gold)
Chalice (Gold)
Increases the Virulent Bound extension when grabbing a Survivor mid-Bound by 50%.
Survivors that use the First Aid Spray suffer from the Oblivious status effect for 30 seconds.
Portable Safe
Portable Safe
Survivors injured by Virulent Bound suffer from the Hemorrhage status effect until fully healed.
Red Herb
Red Herb
Increases the time it takes for Survivors to use a First Aid Spray by 2 seconds.
Maiden Medallion
Maiden Medallion
When a Survivor becomes fully Infected, they suffer from the Blindness status effect for 60 seconds.
Video Conference Device
Video Conference Device
Increases the Infection passive gain rate by 30%.
Egg (Gold)
Egg (Gold)
Increases the duration of the additional Virulent Bound window by 50%.
Dark Sunglasses
Dark Sunglasses
When a Survivor is fully infected with the Uroboros Infection, gain the Undetectable status effect for 20 seconds.
Green Herb
Green Herb
Increases the rate of Infection when grabbing a Survivor during a Virulent Bound by 30%.
Helicopter Stick
Helicopter Stick
When a Survivor uses a First Aid Spray, reveal their aura for 8 seconds.
Uroboros Virus
Uroboros Virus
When a Survivor reaches full infection, reveal their aura for 4 seconds.
Lab Photo
Lab Photo
Destroy pallets and breakable walls when colliding while using Virulent Bound. Removes the ability to vault pallets while using Virulent Bound.
Iridescent Uroboros Vial
Iridescent Uroboros Vial
Survivors start the trial Infected with Uroboros. Survivors suffer from the Exposed status effect for 30 seconds when reaching maximum Infection.