

The Shapebackground

The Shape


Some humans are simply bad seeds. Seeds infused with a distilled and pure form of evil. Michael Myers is one of those seeds. He had no issues with causing the pain of others. Instead, it was exactly what he sought. But even life can be tough on those with minds filled with terror. The difference is just how one goes about to solve those problems.

For Michael, he had to kill to find some inner peace. As he took his sister's life, the police found a silent boy dressed as a clown at the scene. When one stumbles upon a growing fire, one does not pour gasoline on it. But this was an action taken by officials that had no idea how it would shape this demon in the boy's body. Sending Michael to a mental institution was a feeble attempt to save the child. Unsuccessful therapy and nightly screams just made him even more introvert and deranged. People hoped that Michael Myers would end up a parenthesis, soon to be forgotten and buried, a failure that soon were to rot away. But then…he escaped.


Play with Your Food
Play with Your Food
You become obsessed with one Survivor.

Every time you chase your Obsession and let them escape, you receive a token up to a maximum of 3 tokens.

Each token increases your movement speed by 3/4/5%.

Performing a basic attack or Special Attack spends one token.

Save the Best for Last
Save the Best for Last
You become obsessed with one Survivor.

Earn a token for each successful basic attack that is not dealt to the Obsession. Each token grants a stackable 4% decreased successful basic attack cooldown, you can earn up to 6/7/8 tokens.

When you hit the Obsession with a Basic Attack or Special Attack, lose 2 tokens. You cannot gain tokens as long as your Obsession is sacrificed or killed.

Dying Light
Dying Light
You become obsessed with one Survivor.

Your Obsession gains a 33% action speed bonus to unhooking and healing other Survivors.

Each time you hook a Survivor other than the Obsession, if the Obsession is alive, gain a token.

If the Obsession is alive, all Survivors who are not the Obsession get 2/2.5/3% penalty to repair, healing and sabotage speeds for each token.


Evil Within
Evil Within
The darkness inside feeds his determination to take the life of his prey.


Activating Evil Within allows The Shape to see his prey clearly and build up more evil power by Stalking them.

Evil Within I:

Grants Undetectable status effect. Slightly decreased movement speed. Basic attack has a slightly decreased lunge.

Evil Within II:

Moderately decreased Terror Radius. Slightly increased movement speed. Basic attack has a slightly increased lunge.

Evil Within III:

When triggered, all Survivors suffer from the Exposed status effect. Evil Within III lasts for 60 seconds, after which, it regresses to Evil Within II.


Press and hold the Power button to Stalk all visible Survivors. Stalking Survivors builds up your progress through Evil Within tiers.


Tacky Earrings
Tacky Earrings
Increases movement speed while stalking by 10%.
Memorial Flower
Memorial Flower
Increases the rate at which evil is gained when stalking by 11%.
Boyfriend's Memo
Boyfriend's Memo
Increases the range of The Shape's lunge attack while in Evil Within I by 50%.
Blond Hair
Blond Hair
Increases the duration of Evil Within III by 10 seconds. Increases the amount of evil required to reach Evil Within III from Evil Within II for the first time by 50%.
Reflective Fragment
Reflective Fragment
Stalking a Survivor for at least 1 second while in Evil Within II reveals that Survivor's aura for 2 seconds.
Increases movement speed while stalking by 20%.
Hair Brush
Hair Brush
Increases the duration of Evil Within III by 20 seconds. Increases the amount of evil required to reach Evil Within III from Evil Within II for the first time by 50%.
Glass Fragment
Glass Fragment
Stalking a Survivor for at least 1 second while in Evil Within I reveals that Survivor's aura for 3 seconds.
Dead Rabbit
Dead Rabbit
Decreases Terror Radius in Evil Within II by 25%. Increases Terror Radius in Evil Within III by 25%.
Mirror Shard
Mirror Shard
Stalking a Survivor for at least 1 second while in Evil Within II reveals that Survivor's aura for 5 seconds.
Judith's Journal
Judith's Journal
You become obsessed with one Survivor. Increases the rate at which evil is gained when stalking your Obsession by 40%.
Jewelry Box
Jewelry Box
Increases movement speed while stalking by 30%.
J. Myers Memorial
J. Myers Memorial
Increases the rate at which evil is gained when stalking by 25%.
Hair Bow
Hair Bow
Increases the duration of Evil Within III by 30 seconds. Increases the amount of evil required to reach Evil Within III from Evil Within II for the first time by 50%.
Vanity Mirror
Vanity Mirror
Evil Within II reveals Survivors' auras when stalking within a 16 meter range. Evil Within cannot progress past TIER II. For each Hit score event, grant 100% Bloodpoints in the Brutality category and an additional 150% Bloodpoints in the Deviousness category.
Tombstone Piece
Tombstone Piece
Unlocks the ability to kill healthy or injured Survivors with Evil Within III. Killing a Survivor drains the power of Evil Within. Increases the amount of evil required to reach Evil Within III from Evil Within II by 150%.
Scratched Mirror
Scratched Mirror
Evil Within I reveals Survivors' auras when stalking within a 32 meter range. Evil Within cannot progress past TIER I. For each Hit score event, score 100% Bloodpoints in the Brutality category and an additional 200% Bloodpoints in the Deviousness category.
Lock of Hair
Lock of Hair
Increases the duration of Evil Within III by 40 seconds. Increases the amount of evil required to reach Evil Within III from Evil Within II for the first time by 100%.
Judith's Tombstone
Judith's Tombstone
Unlocks the ability to kill healthy or injured Survivors with Evil Within III. Increases the amount of evil required to reach Evil Within III from Evil Within II by 200%. Decreases movement speed by 9% while Evil Within III is active.
Fragrant Tuft of Hair
Fragrant Tuft of Hair
Unlimited duration of Evil Within III. Increases the amount of evil required to reach Evil Within III from Evil Within II by 200%.