

The Hagbackground

The Hag


Lisa Sherwood grew up in a quiet town. The people of the village were kind, and the elders helped settle their disputes and keep the old traditions alive. Lisa was particularly fond of the charms they taught her to draw for safety and good fortune. One night, as she was walking home through the woods, a terrible storm struck without warning. In the slick wet darkness, she lost her footing and struck her head. Slipping in and out of consciousness, she watched dark shapes approach between the trees. Soon they were close enough for her to make out their evil, hungry grins.

They kept her chained to the wall in a flooded cellar. Through the gloom, she could see others, whose open wounds swarmed with flies. They did not survive long once the cannibals began carving bites from their bodies with their rusted blades, but somehow Lisa persisted. Starved and mutilated, her gaunt arms became loose in their shackles. She pulled, and the metal tore through skin and muscle until she was free. Her flesh oozed viscous yellow pus and bones were visible beneath gangrenous wounds. She could go no further. Delirious, she thought of home; she thought of the elders. She traced the symbols they had taught her. A dark hunger stirred inside her. It yearned for blood. She chose vengeance.

The police search eventually brought them to the old house in the swamp. Its inhabitants had been dismembered and devoured. The elders' charms were scrawled in blood on the floor. Lisa's body was never found.


Hex: Devour Hope
Hex: Devour Hope
A Hex rooting its power on hope. The false hope of Survivors ignites your hunger.

When a Survivor is rescued from a hook at least 24 meters away, Devour Hope receives a token.

2 Tokens: Gain a 3/4/5% Haste status effect, 10 seconds after hooking a Survivor, for a duration of 10 seconds.

3 Tokens: Survivors suffer from the Exposed status effect.

5 Tokens: Grants the ability to kill Survivors by your own hand.

The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.

Hex: Ruin
Hex: Ruin
A Hex that affects all Survivors' generator repair progress.

All generators are affected by Hex: Ruin. While a generator is not being repaired by a Survivor, it will immediately and automatically regress repair progress at 50/75/100% of the normal regression speed.

The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.

Hex: The Third Seal
Hex: The Third Seal
A Hex that hinders one's aura reading ability.

Hitting a Survivor with a basic attack or a special attack while the Hex Totem is active applies the Blindness status effect. This effect applies to the last 2/3/4 Survivors hit.

The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.


Blackened Catalyst
Blackened Catalyst
The source of The Hag's power, a blackened finger used as a catalyst for her terrible power. The Hag bends and shapes mud to her will. With simple ritualistic drawings, she creates deceitful duplicates of herself made from mud and decay which she can use for various effects.

Grants the ability to create and maintain 10 Phantasm Traps.

Grants the ability to instantly travel to triggered Phantasm Traps when within a 40 meter range.


Rope Necklet
Rope Necklet
Increases Phantasm Trap setting speed by 15%.
Powdered Eggshell
Powdered Eggshell
Increases triggered Phantasm Trap duration by 25%.
Dead Fly Mud
Dead Fly Mud
Increases teleportation range by 20%.
Bog Water
Bog Water
Increases Phantasm Trap trigger range by 10%.
Pussy Willow Catkins
Pussy Willow Catkins
Reveals the Survivor's aura for 3 seconds when they trigger a Phantasm Trap.
Half Eggshell
Half Eggshell
Increases triggered Phantasm Trap duration by 45%.
Dragonfly Wings
Dragonfly Wings
Increases teleportation range by 25%.
Cypress Necklet
Cypress Necklet
Increases Phantasm Trap setting speed by 20%.
Bloodied Water
Bloodied Water
Increases Phantasm Trap trigger range by 20%.
Willow Wreath
Willow Wreath
Reveals the Survivor's aura for 5 seconds when they trigger a Phantasm Trap.
Swamp Orchid Necklet
Swamp Orchid Necklet
Increases Phantasm Trap setting speed by 25%.
Dried Cicada
Dried Cicada
Increases teleportation range by 30%.
Cracked Turtle Egg
Cracked Turtle Egg
Increases triggered Phantasm Trap duration by 55%.
Bloodied Mud
Bloodied Mud
Increases Phantasm Trap trigger range by 30%.
Scarred Hand
Scarred Hand
Mud Phantasms become solid and will block Survivors. Removes the ability to teleport to traps. Grants 300% bonus Deviousness Bloodpoints.
Rusty Shackles
Rusty Shackles
Triggered Phantasm Traps give no indication of being triggered to Survivors and do not spawn a Mud Phantasm.
Grandma's Heart
Grandma's Heart
Decreases Terror Radius to 0 meters when a Survivor triggers a Phantasm Trap. Increases Mud Phantasms' Terror Radius by 16 meters.
Disfigured Ear
Disfigured Ear
Survivors who trigger a Phantasm Trap will be deafened for 6 seconds.
Waterlogged Shoe
Waterlogged Shoe
Survivors in the trigger zone of a triggered Phantasm Trap are Hindered by 9%. Increases movement speed by 7.5%. Removes the ability to teleport to traps. Hindered reduces Survivor movement speed.
Mint Rag
Mint Rag
The Hag can teleport to any Phantasm Trap in the level. Phantasm Trap teleport gains a cooldown of 10 seconds.