

Bear Trapbackground

Bear Trap

A large foothold trap made of steel. Traps are found lying around the area waiting to be picked up and set anywhere.


By default, you start the trial with 2 Bear Traps. Find and collect more throughout the environment.

Set Bear Trap:

Press and hold the Power button to set a Bear Trap on a valid location in front of you. A set Bear Trap will immobilize and incapacitate any player that steps on it. A healthy Survivor that steps in a set Bear Trap will also become injured but may attempt to escape the trap. Press the Interaction button to pick-up a nearby Survivor who is Incapacitated by a Bear Trap.

Reset Trap:

Press and hold the Power button while standing near a Bear Trap in the environment to reset it where it lies, if it is not already set.

Collect Bear Trap:

Press the Interaction button while standing near a Bear Trap in the environment to collect it. By default, you may carry a maximum of 2 Bear Traps at any time.


Trapper Gloves
Trapper Gloves
Increases Bear Trap setting speed by 30%.
Padded Jaws
Padded Jaws
Bear Traps do not inflict damage on trapped Survivors. Equipping this add-on negates the effects of Rusted Jaws and Serrated Jaws. Points awarded for trapping Survivors are increased by 100%.
Makeshift Wrap
Makeshift Wrap
The Trapper cannot be caught in his Bear Traps. Bear Traps will be disarmed if The Trapper steps on them.
Bear Oil
Bear Oil
Setting a Bear Trap is silent.
Wax Brick
Wax Brick
Increases the time required to rescue a Survivor or attempt escape from a Bear Trap by 33%.
Serrated Jaws
Serrated Jaws
Bear Traps inflict Hemorrhage on trapped Survivors until they are healed.
Lengthened Jaws
Lengthened Jaws
When Survivors escape Bear Traps, they are inflicted with Deep Wound.
Coffee Grounds
Coffee Grounds
Gain an additional 5% Haste status effect for 5 seconds after setting a Bear Trap.
4-Coil Spring Kit
4-Coil Spring Kit
Increases time required for Survivors to disarm Bear Traps by 33%.
Trapper Bag
Trapper Bag
Start with 1 extra Bear Trap. Allows the transportation of 1 extra Bear Trap.
Tar Bottle
Tar Bottle
Darkens the appearance of Bear Traps.
Secondary Coil
Secondary Coil
Increases time required for Survivors to disarm Bear Traps by 50%.
Rusted Jaws
Rusted Jaws
Bear Traps inflict Mangled on trapped Survivors.
Fastening Tools
Fastening Tools
Increases Bear Trap setting speed by 50%. Increases the time required to rescue a Survivor or attempt escape from a Bear Trap by 25%.
Trapper Sack
Trapper Sack
All Bear Traps are carried at the beginning of the Trial instead of spawning on the map. Bear Traps cannot be picked up.
Tension Spring
Tension Spring
A Bear Trap resets 2 seconds after a Survivor escapes from it.
Oily Coil
Oily Coil
When resetting a Bear Trap, reveal the aura of the most recent Survivor to disarm it for 5 seconds.
Honing Stone
Honing Stone
The trapped victim is left dying instead of injured if they free themselves.
Iridescent Stone
Iridescent Stone
Every 30 seconds, one closed Bear Trap chosen at random becomes set.
Bloody Coil
Bloody Coil
When a Bear Trap is disarmed by a healthy Survivor, the bloody coils exact their price and that Survivor becomes injured.