

Guardia Compagniabackground

Guardia Compagnia

The Knight alone is a terrifying monster on the battlefield, but with his loyal Guards, he is nearly unstoppable. Together, the Guardia Compagnia fights for their own freedom, killing anyone who gets in their way.


Tap the Power button to activate Guard Summon mode. Once activated, move around to create a Patrol Path. While in Guard Summon mode, you can aim at a generator in progress, a downed pallet or a breakable wall and tap the Attack button. This will summon a Guard to complete a break action on the selected object. You can also tap the Power button or drain the Power Gauge completely to end the Guard Summon mode. This will summon a Guard who will follow and Patrol the created Path. There are three Guards that are summoned in the same order each time: The Carnifex, who can break or damage objects faster; The Assassin, who moves faster during the Hunt; and The Jailer, who patrols longer and is better at detection.


While a Guard is patrolling, he can spot and detect Survivors. If a Survivor is detected, the Guard will move to their location, leave a Standard on the ground, and start Hunting the Survivor for a set amount of time. The Survivor can escape a Guard by unhooking another Survivor, grabbing the Standard, or surviving until the Hunt timer ends. If the Survivor is successfully attacked by the Guard or The Knight, the Guard will disappear. When a Guard downs a Survivor, The Knight receives a Killer Instinct notification.


Tattered Tabard
Tattered Tabard
Increases Patrol time for all Guards by 8 seconds.
Pillaged Mead
Pillaged Mead
Decreases the amount of time it takes for a Guard to complete their Order action by 15%.
Map of the Realm
Map of the Realm
Increases the detection Range for Guards on Patrol by 4 meters.
Gritty Lump
Gritty Lump
Increases Guards' movement Speed while on Patrol by 9%.
Treated Blade
Treated Blade
When cycling through summoned Guards, The Assassin appears twice in a row.
Dried Horsemeat
Dried Horsemeat
Increases the amount of time a Guard will Hunt a Survivor by 4 seconds.
Cold Steel Manacles
Cold Steel Manacles
When cycling through summoned Guards, The Jailer appears twice in a row.
Call To Arms
Call To Arms
Increases the length of a Patrol Path by 10 meters, and, while creating the path, movement speed is increased by 25%.
Battle Axe Head
Battle Axe Head
When cycling through summoned Guards, The Carnifex appears twice in a row.
Town Watch's Torch
Town Watch's Torch
When Survivors escape Guard Hunts without being hit two times, The Knight gains Undetectable Status for 25 seconds.
Ironworker's Tongs
Ironworker's Tongs
When a Survivor escapes a Guard Hunt successfully, they suffer from the Oblivious status effect for 20 seconds.
Grim Iron Mask
Grim Iron Mask
When a Survivor is Detected by a Guard, the Survivor suffers from Blindness for 60 seconds.
Chain Mail Fragment
Chain Mail Fragment
Guards inflict the Hemorrhage status effect when damaging a Survivor.
Broken Hilt
Broken Hilt
Guards inflict the Mangled status effect when damaging a Survivor.
Lightweight Greaves
Lightweight Greaves
After summoning The Jailer, The Knight's movement speed increases by 10% for 6 seconds.
Healing Poultice
Healing Poultice
After summoning The Assassin, all Survivors within 24 meters from the Guard's initial position scream and reveal their current location for 5 seconds.
Flint and Steel
Flint and Steel
After summoning The Carnifex, The Knight can see the auras of Survivors within 24 meters of downed pallets for 5 seconds.
Blacksmith's Hammer
Blacksmith's Hammer
When a Survivor escapes a Hunt by any means other than the Standard, that Survivor is Hindered and Exhausted for 15 seconds. Hindered reduces Survivor movement speed. Exhausted prevents Survivors from activating certain perks.
Knight's Contract
Knight's Contract
Every fourth Guard summoned causes Survivors within 12 meters of that summoned Guard instance to suffer from the Exposed status effect for 8 seconds. Exposed Survivors are downed by basic attacks, even if uninjured.
Iridescent Company Banner
Iridescent Company Banner
While a Survivor is Hunted by a Guard, spikes block the exit for the hunted Survivor. When they vault, that vault location is blocked for all Survivors for the duration of the Hunt. While creating a Patrol Path, passing through vault locations will block these locations for 15 seconds.