

Eyes In The Skybackground

Eyes In The Sky

Inspired by the dark mangas created by her father, The Skull Merchant relentlessly hunts her prey using the latest in surveillance technology.

The Skull Merchant begins the match with six Drones. Press the Power button to deploy a Drone, which conducts an invisible, continuous sweeping scan. Deploying a Drone grants Undetectable for 8 seconds. If a Survivor is detected, the Drone becomes active, which makes the Drone's scan lines visible. Once detected by a scan line, a Survivor gains scan immunity and cannot be detected by other scan lines for 3 seconds.

Survivors can attempt to hack Drones. Failure activates the Drone and partially fills their Lock On meter; Success disables the Drone for 45 seconds.


Press the Ability Button to open a Radar to see the locations of Survivors detected by Drones and those with Claw Traps. The Radar can be used to change a Drone's rotation direction or to recall a Drone.

Each Survivor detected on the Radar increases The Skull Merchant's movement speed.


The Lock On meter fills when scanned by a Drone and when failing to disable a Drone. When the meter is full, the Survivor receives a Claw Trap, becomes Injured, and suffers from the Broken status effect. Additional scans briefly apply the Hindered status effect.

A Claw Trap broadcasts the Survivor's location to the Killer and is only removed when its battery dies.


Ultrasonic Speaker
Ultrasonic Speaker
Decreases Survivors' scan line immunity duration by 25%.
High-Power Floodlight
High-Power Floodlight
Survivors with a Claw Trap suffer from the Blindness status effect. This effect lasts until the Claw Trap is removed.
High-Current Upgrade
High-Current Upgrade
Increases the time Survivors appear on the radar when detected by 1 second.
Adi Valente #1
Adi Valente #1
Survivors with a Claw Trap suffer from 20% smaller skill checks. This effect lasts until the Claw Trap is removed.
Stereo Remote Mic
Stereo Remote Mic
Decreases the Disabled state duration of Drones by 15%.
Shotgun Speakers
Shotgun Speakers
Survivors with a Claw Trap have no skill check warning. This effect lasts until the Claw Trap is removed.
Increases the battery life of Claw Traps by 15%.
Low-Power Mode
Low-Power Mode
Decreases Drone Rotation speed by 100%.
Adaptive Lighting
Adaptive Lighting
Increases the duration of the Undetectable status effect by 20%.
Vital Targeting Processor
Vital Targeting Processor
Increases the Hindered status effect gained by Claw Trapped Survivors when detected by a Drone by 3%. Hindered reduces Survivor movement speed.
Powdered Glass
Powdered Glass
Claw Trapped Survivors you hit suffer from the Hemorrhage and Mangled status effects until fully healed.
Loose Screw
Loose Screw
Survivors with a Claw Trap suffer from the Exhausted status effect for 6 seconds.
Infrared Upgrade
Infrared Upgrade
Anytime a Claw Trap is removed, the Survivor's aura is revealed for 4 seconds.
Brown Noise Generator
Brown Noise Generator
Survivors with a Claw Trap suffer from the Oblivious status effect. This lasts until the Claw Trap is removed.
Randomized Strobes
Randomized Strobes
Increases the duration of the Hindered status effect Claw Trapped Survivors suffer from when detected by a Drone by 1 second. Hindered reduces Survivor movement speed.
Geographical Readout
Geographical Readout
Gain a 20% action speed bonus to breaking pallets and breakable walls, damaging generators, and vaulting for 8 seconds after deploying a Drone.
Prototype Rotor
Prototype Rotor
Increases Drones' rotation speed by 10%.
Advanced Movement Prediction
Advanced Movement Prediction
When a Survivor receives a Claw Trap, reveal their aura for 6 seconds.
Expired Batteries
Expired Batteries
Decreases Claw Trap battery life by 50%. Increases the Haste status effect gained from Survivors being detected on the Radar by 25%.
Iridescent Unpublished Manuscript
Iridescent Unpublished Manuscript
When a Drone is disabled, it gains a 32-meter Terror Radius for 15 seconds. During this time, gain the Undetectable status effect.