

Carter's Sparkbackground

Carter's Spark


Successfully striking Survivors with The Doctor's special abilities, Shock Therapy or Static Blast, increases the Survivor's Madness, eventually afflicting them with the Madness status effect and triggering increasingly potent effects.

Madness I:

Causes Survivors to scream once, revealing their position to The Doctor. Slightly affects Skill Check placement and direction.

Madness II:

Causes Survivors to scream once and experience hallucinations in the form of an illusionary Doctor. Moderately affects Skill Check placement and direction.

Madness III:

Causes Survivors to scream intermittently and experience hallucinations in the form of an illusionary Doctor. Tremendously affects Skill Check placement and direction. The Survivor cannot heal, repair, sabotage, unlock, cleanse, or use items until they successfully Snap Out Of It. When a Survivor completes the Snap Out Of It action, they return to Madness I.


Press and hold the Power button to perform Shock Therapy, unleashing a ranged shock attack on the ground in front of you. Survivors struck by Shock Therapy gain increased Madness and any interactions they are performing are immediately interrupted. Shock Therapy immediately negates the Oblivious status effect.


Press and hold the Active Ability button to perform a Static Blast, causing all Survivors within The Doctor's Terror Radius to scream and gain increased Madness. Static Blast can only be activated when not on cooldown. Static Blast immediately negates the Oblivious status effect.


Moldy Electrode
Moldy Electrode
Increases the range of Shock Therapy by 2 meters.
Maple Knight
Maple Knight
Reveals the area of effect of Shock Therapy.
"Order" - Class I
"Order" - Class I
Decreases Static Blast cooldown by 2 seconds. Survivors with Madness suffer from the Affliction of Order:Broken pallets may appear to be replaced with illusionary pallets that persist until approached. A new illusionary pallet is generated at the location of a random broken pallet every 20 seconds. The Doctor sees the auras of illusionary pallets.
"Calm" - Class I
"Calm" - Class I
Increases Terror Radius by 4 meters while Static Blast is ready. Decreases Terror Radius by 4 meters while Static Blast is on cooldown. Survivors with Madness suffer from the Affliction of Calm:Madness II: Intermittently causes Survivors to hear a distant illusionary Terror Radius. Madness III: Constantly causes Survivors to hear a distant illusionary Terror Radius.
Polished Electrode
Polished Electrode
Increases the range of Shock Therapy by 3 meters.
"Restraint" - Class II
"Restraint" - Class II
Reveals Survivors' auras for 1 second when their Madness level increases. Survivors with Madness suffer from the Affliction of Restraint:Increases the duration of illusionary Doctor hallucinations by 6 seconds. Allows The Doctor to see the auras of hallucinations at any level of Madness.
"Order" - Class II
"Order" - Class II
Decreases Static Blast cooldown by 4 seconds. Survivors with Madness suffer from the Affliction of Order:Broken pallets may appear to be replaced with illusionary pallets that persist until approached. A new illusionary pallet is generated at the location of a random broken pallet every 20 seconds. The Doctor sees the auras of illusionary pallets.
"Discipline" - Class II
"Discipline" - Class II
Decreases the detonation delay of Shock Therapy by 10%. Survivors with Madness suffer from the Affliction of Discipline:Madness II: While in a chase, Survivors perceive an illusionary Red Stain and Terror Radius as though The Doctor were directly behind them. This effect persists for 6 seconds after the chase ends. Madness III: Illusionary Red Stain and Terror Radius are constantly active. The Doctor also sees the illusionary Red Stain.
"Calm" - Class II
"Calm" - Class II
Increases Terror Radius by 6 meters while Static Blast is ready. Decreases Terror Radius by 6 meters while Static Blast is on cooldown. Survivors with Madness suffer from the Affliction of Calm:Madness II: Intermittently causes Survivors to hear a distant illusionary Terror Radius. Madness III: Constantly causes Survivors to hear a distant illusionary Terror Radius.
Scrapped Tape
Scrapped Tape
Changes the shape of Shock Therapy to a ring with a range of 8 meters, a radius of 4 meters, and a thickness of 1 meter.
Interview Tape
Interview Tape
Shock Therapy special ability changes from a cone to a beam with a 24 meter range and a 2 meter width.
High Stimulus Electrode
High Stimulus Electrode
Increases the range of Shock Therapy by 4 meters.
"Restraint" - Class III
"Restraint" - Class III
Reveals Survivors' auras for 2 seconds when their Madness level increases. Survivors with Madness suffer from the Affliction of Restraint:Increases the duration of illusionary Doctor hallucinations by 6 seconds. Allows The Doctor to see the auras of hallucinations at any level of Madness.
"Discipline" - Class III
"Discipline" - Class III
Decreases the detonation delay of Shock Therapy by 20%. Survivors with Madness suffer from the Affliction of Discipline:Madness II: While in a chase, Survivors perceive an illusionary Red Stain and Terror Radius as though The Doctor were directly behind them. This effect persists for 6 seconds after the chase ends. Madness III: Illusionary Red Stain and Terror Radius are constantly active. The Doctor also sees the illusionary Red Stain.
"Restraint" - Carter's Notes
"Restraint" - Carter's Notes
Reveals Survivors' auras for 3 seconds when their Madness level increases. Survivors with Madness suffer from the Affliction of Restraint:Increases the duration of illusionary Doctor hallucinations by 6 seconds. Allows The Doctor to see the auras of hallucinations at any level of Madness.
"Order" - Carter's Notes
"Order" - Carter's Notes
Decreases Static Blast cooldown by 6 seconds. Survivors with Madness suffer from the Affliction of Order:Broken pallets may appear to be replaced with illusionary pallets that persist until approached. A new illusionary pallet is generated at the location of a random broken pallet every 20 seconds. The Doctor sees the auras of illusionary pallets.
"Discipline" - Carter's Notes
"Discipline" - Carter's Notes
Decreases the detonation delay of Shock Therapy by 30%. Survivors with Madness suffer from the Affliction of Discipline:Madness II: While in a chase, Survivors perceive an illusionary Red Stain and Terror Radius as though The Doctor were directly behind them. This effect persists for 6 seconds after the chase ends. Madness III: Illusionary Red Stain and Terror Radius are constantly active. The Doctor also sees the illusionary Red Stain.
"Calm" - Carter's Notes
"Calm" - Carter's Notes
Increases Terror Radius by 8 meters while Static Blast is ready. Decreases Terror Radius by 8 meters while Static Blast is on cooldown. Survivors with Madness suffer from the Affliction of Calm:Madness II: Intermittently causes Survivors to hear a distant illusionary Terror Radius. Madness III: Constantly causes Survivors to hear a distant illusionary Terror Radius.
Iridescent Queen
Iridescent Queen
All Survivors struck by Shock Therapy or Static Blast acquire a lingering Static Charge. The Static Charge remains with The Survivor(s) until discharged. Multiple Survivors struck by the same Shock Therapy or Static Blast that are within 4 meters of each other do not acquire a Static Charge. Any time a Survivor is within 4 meters of another Survivor carrying a Static Charge, the Survivor receives a shock identical to Shock Therapy and the Static Charge is discharged immediately.
Iridescent King
Iridescent King
Survivors with Madness status effect suffer from the following Afflictions: Calm, Discipline, Order, and Restraint. Causes Survivors to hear a distant illusionary Terror Radius. The effect is intermittent in Madness II and constant in Madness III. While in a chase, Survivors perceive an illusionary Red Stain and Terror Radius as though The Doctor were directly behind them. This effect persists for 6 seconds after the chase ends in Madness II and is constantly active in Madness III. Broken pallets may appear to be replaced with illusionary pallets that persist until approached. A new illusionary pallets is generated at the location of a random broken pallet every 20 seconds. Increases the duration of illusionary Doctor hallucinations by 6 seconds. The Doctor sees illusionary Red Stains as well as the auras of illusionary Doctors and illusionary pallets.