

The Dredgebackground

The Dredge


The Fold was founded on a private American island in the 1960s by a group of anonymous philanthropists. Their goal was to establish a peaceful society free of dark thoughts and emotions, attracting the dismayed, disenchanted, and disillusioned from all over the country.

This peace-loving community thrived over the years, and members freely followed the dictates of its charismatic leader Otto Stamper who taught his followers the secret of maintaining happiness through joy-talk, meditation, and the endless reciting of ‘good-thinking' mantras.

But not all was bliss within The Fold, and Otto swiftly banished anyone who confessed to having dark thoughts or speaking dark words. Those he appointed as guardians of The Fold were quick to root out malcontents, banishing anyone who thought or spoke against the almost perfect community he had established.

In this way, Otto had conditioned Ottomarians to believe dark thoughts were the root of all discontent. He spoke of an ancient god called, Druanee, telling them how this god fed on dark memories and desires and how they needed to expel any and all manifestations of darkness from their hearts for fear of summoning this horror from the Land of Shadows.

Life was more or less a Utopian dream on the island until, that is, the darkness began to slowly leak through the cracks of their spiritual dam and members began to mysteriously disappear.

It wasn't long before fear closed its septic jaws on the island and refused to let go.

The once happy community now gathered in a few homes chanting all the ‘good-thinking' mantras in a desperate attempt to rid their lives of this formless creature that seemed to stalk them in the shadows and consume them in their sleep.

Otto tried to quell his followers, telling them that there were malcontents among their ranks and that they alone had summoned the Druanee to their Garden of Joy.

As The Fold bleated fear, Otto evoked desperate measures. Ottomarians were restricted to their homes to prevent the spread of rumors and dark-talk while sleep was forbidden to prevent anyone from releasing dark dreams into the world. Freedom and sleep would return just as soon as the Druanee was no longer upon them.

But when Ottomarians continued to disappear, Otto assembled his followers near the beach where he placed a screaming woman on a wooden stage. There, in the rain, Otto explained to his drenched, alienated, and sleep-deprived congregation that the woman was a journalist here to destroy everything they had created.

As the guardians held the trembling woman, she screamed that Otto wasn't the savior he claimed to be. He belonged to an ancient cult, an exclusive club of billionaires that took pleasure in corrupting and sacrificing people, towns and even countries to an Elder God. The journalist told them Otto hadn't banished anyone! He had tortured and sacrificed them and that they would all be next.

Without hesitation, Otto slit her throat before she could continue to spread lies. As she collapsed to her knees with her hands clasped around her neck, he told his confused and terrified herd that she was working with others within their ranks and that they needed to find the impostors before the Druanee came for them all.

Otto's words shot over the congregation and reached into the murky recesses of their hearts and dredged up dark and fearful things.

Years of suppressed emotions began to bubble up as a thick fog pushed through restless legs and feet. Whispers began, and the whispers became panicked mantras, and the mantras became screams and curses as each member accused the next of malthinking and malspeaking.

Over the howling wind and pounding rain, the screams and curses grew louder and louder as everyone desperately tried to contain the darkness within. But the harder they tried, the quicker they failed, and within moments the dam burst to release a torrent of hell.

Otto watched his once blissful and joyful herd suddenly erupt into violence unlike anything he had ever seen before. The Fold bleated accusations and tore each other to bits and pieces with hands and teeth and never once did they look up to see their kind and charismatic shepherd smiling down upon them with eyes that were cold, bleak and without pity.

When it was all over, Otto felt the creaking, wooden stage shake as a murder of crows circled above. Suddenly, the ground rose and then sank into a thick, oozing black mud like molasses. Moments later, a formless mass squelched out of the muck and rose like a rearing horse to feed upon the writhing mass of butchered humanity.

It was everywhere and nowhere at once as it slowly picked its way through the carnage, absorbing the darkness, savoring the misery, trailing terrible noises. Shrieks. Cries. Whimpers. Pops. Cracks.

Feasting sounds.

Death sounds.

Dark sounds.

Otto watched the creature as it slowly began to manifest into the very thing he had imagined--the very thing he had made them all imagine.

It turned slowly to look at Otto for a long silent moment, then the Druanee trudged away through the thick black sludge, disappearing into the shadows from which it had come.


Septic Touch
Septic Touch
The Land of Shadows subsumes all. Healing only delays the inevitable.

Whenever a Survivor performs the healing action within your Terror Radius, that Survivor suffers from Blindness and Exhausted.

These effects linger for 6/8/10 seconds after a healing action is interrupted by any means.

Darkness Revealed
Darkness Revealed
In your presence, places once thought to be safe are perhaps the most dangerous.

When you search a locker, the auras of all Survivors within 8 meters of any lockers are revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds.

This perk has a 30-second cooldown.

Everything turns to dust. It is as inescapable as the coming of the night.

3 seconds after injuring a Survivor by any means, Dissolution activates for 12/16/20 seconds. While Dissolution is active, if a Survivor fast vaults over a pallet inside of your Terror Radius, The Entity will break the pallet at the end of the vault, and Dissolution deactivates.


Reign of Darkness
Reign of Darkness
Like a dark thought, The Dredge is difficult to shake. And when night falls, it is nearly impossible.


Press and hold the Power button to activate. Once activated, The Dredge leaves a Remnant behind. Aim at a locker and press the Ability button to Teleport into it or press the Attack button to return to the Remnant. The Remnant is disabled when teleporting to a locker, or when a Survivor touches it. While in a locker, aim at any other locker and press the Ability button to Teleport again. Each Teleport consumes a Power Token. Exiting the locker or returning to your Remnant will activate The Gloaming's cooldown, after which all Power Tokens are recharged.

Survivors can place locks on lockers to slow The Dredge exiting them. The Dredge can break locks by exiting the locked locker or performing a base attack on the lock. Each locker can only be locked once.


The Nightfall Meter builds when a healthy Survivor is injured, a Survivor is hooked, or the Teleport power is used. The Nightfall Meter also fills faster for each Survivor in the injured state. Once the Nightfall Meter is full, Nightfall begins.

During Nightfall, Survivors must navigate in total darkness, The Dredge's Teleport is faster with a shorter cooldown, and gains Undetectable. Nightfall ends after 60 seconds.


Wooden Plank
Wooden Plank
Increases the amount Nightfall charges when a Survivor is hooked by 25%.
Mortar and Pestle
Mortar and Pestle
The Dredge will emerge from its Remnant facing the same direction as when Teleport is activated instead of the direction facing when the Remnant was placed.
Follower's Cowl
Follower's Cowl
Teleporting to the Remnant will activate Killer Instinct even when not in Nightfall.
Caffeine Tablets
Caffeine Tablets
Auras of locked lockers are visible in yellow while charging The Gloaming and Teleporting.
Malthinker's Skull
Malthinker's Skull
Increases Nightfall charge speed by 66% while any Survivor is injured.
Haddie's Calendar
Haddie's Calendar
Decreases the time to exit a locked locker by 1 second.
Fallen Shingle
Fallen Shingle
Using Reign of Darkness increases Nightfall charge speed by an additional 15% per second.
Burnt Letters
Burnt Letters
Increases the amount Nightfall charges when injuring a Survivor by 25%.
Air Freshener
Air Freshener
Adds 1 additional Power Token for Teleporting.
Worry Stone
Worry Stone
Reveals the aura of a Survivor for 6 seconds when they lock a locker.
War Helmet
War Helmet
Increases Killer Instinct duration by 1.5 seconds during Nightfall.
Ottomarian Writing
Ottomarian Writing
Decreases Teleport cooldown by 4 seconds while not in Nightfall.
Destroyed Pillow
Destroyed Pillow
Decreases Teleport cooldown by 2.5 seconds during Nightfall.
Broken Doll
Broken Doll
Increases the duration of Nightfall by 20 seconds.
Tilling Blade
Tilling Blade
When a Survivor is injured from full health during Nightfall, they are afflicted with the Blindness, Hemorrhage, and Mangled status effects for 60 seconds.
Lavalier Microphone
Lavalier Microphone
Survivor auras are revealed for 3 seconds when using the last Teleport token. When entering a locker using Teleport, other lockers within 6 meters of Survivors open and slam their doors.
Field Recorder
Field Recorder
Nightfall is active at the start of the trial. Nightfall is automatically triggered when the last generator is repaired. Any Survivor that comes into contact with a Remnant is afflicted with the Exhausted status effect for 15 seconds. Exhausted prevents Survivors from activating certain perks.
Boat Key
Boat Key
Increases Teleport speed by 25% while not in Nightfall. When the exit gates are powered, all active locks are instantly broken.
Sacrificial Knife
Sacrificial Knife
Exiting a locker during Nightfall blocks all vault locations within 16 meters for 5 seconds.
Iridescent Wooden Plank
Iridescent Wooden Plank
Survivors are afflicted with the Exposed status effect for the last 12 seconds of Nightfall. Exposed Survivors are downed by basic attacks, even if uninjured.