

The Huntressbackground

The Huntress


As soon as Anna was able to walk, her mother started teaching her how to survive a harsh, solitary life in the northern woods. Living in such an extremely remote and dangerous area required skill and resilience. When sunlight became too dim for productive activities, they would take refuge in their house, a sturdy old cabin constructed to resist the toughest winters. Close to the hearth's warmth, Anna would rest in her mother's arms, surrounded by the few wooden toys and masks she had crafted for her. Drifting off to sleep with stories and lullabies, she dreamt happy dreams, ignorant of the events that would soon change everything.

Anna and her mother were stalking a great elk through the woods. They knew it was dangerous prey, but it had been a particularly difficult winter and they were almost out of food. The specter of starvation frightened them more than any forest creature. Without warning, the elk reared, bellowed and charged at Anna. She was paralyzed with fear as the whole world seemed to shake under the immense beast's pounding hooves. The elk was close enough for Anna to see the murderous fury in its eyes when her mother threw herself in its path, axe in hand. A bloodcurdling scream escaped from her lips as the elk impaled her upon its antlers and hoisted her into the air. With all her strength, she brought her axe down on its head again and again while it tried to shake her loose. With a sickening crack, the antlers snapped and Anna's mother was free. The beast collapsed.

Anna was too small to move her mother's broken body, so she sat with her in the clearing where she had fallen. To distract her from the dying elk's cries, Anna's mother held her and hummed her favorite lullaby. They stayed like that, the huntress and the elk getting quieter and colder, until Anna was alone in the silent forest. Eventually she stood up and started the long walk back home.

Still a child, she knew just enough about life in the frozen forest to survive. She followed her instincts and became one with the wild. She got older and stronger and practiced her hunt. As she grew into a dangerous predator, her humanity became a half-remembered dream.

She widened her territory and lived off her hunts. She worked her way up through squirrels and hares and mink and foxes. Eventually she grew tired of them and hunted more dangerous animals like wolves and bears. When unsuspecting travelers came through her woods, she discovered her new favorite prey: humans. Unlucky souls who strayed into her territory were slaughtered like any other animal. She liked to collect their tools and colorful garments and especially toys when there were little ones. But she could never bring herself to kill the little girls.

Girls she would take back to her house, deep in the woods. They were precious, and looking at them woke up something deep in her heart. She craved the closeness of a loved one, a child of her own. Among the pillaged wooden toys, dolls and story books she couldn't read, the girls would be tied by the neck with a rough and chafing rope fastened firmly to the wall. She couldn't let them wander off, or they would surely die outside.

Every time, the girls would waste away and die of cold or starvation or sickness. Every time, it plunged Anna deeper into pain and sorrow and madness. She was compelled to try again, and started raiding the nearest villages to slaughter families and kidnap their daughters. She wore one of the animal masks her mother crafted for her so many years earlier to try to calm the frightened children. Villagers spread the legend of a half-beast lurking in Red Forest: The Huntress, who killed men and ate little girls.

War eventually came to the forest. German soldiers began to pass through, on the march to attack the collapsing Russian Empire. During these dark times, there were no more travelers. The villagers had abandoned their homes, and no more little ones to be found; only soldiers. Many of them were found with violent axe wounds. Whole groups disappeared mysteriously. Once the war was over, the rumours of The Huntress disappeared with it, engulfed by the Red Forest.


Hex: Huntress Lullaby
Hex: Huntress Lullaby
A Hex rooting its power in despair. Your hunt is an irresistible song of dread which muddles your prey's attention.

Survivors receive a 2/4/6% regression penalty when missing a Skill Check while healing or repairing.

Each time a Survivor is hooked, Huntress Lullaby grows in power. It affects healing and repairing Skill Check warnings:

1 to 4 Tokens: Time between the Skill Check warning sound and the Skill Check becomes shorter.

5 Tokens: No Skill Check warning.

The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.

Beast of Prey
Beast of Prey
Your lust for a kill is so intense that your connection with The Entity is momentarily lost, making you totally unpredictable.

Grants the Undetectable status effect after gaining Bloodlust Tier I. The status effect is removed once you lose Bloodlust.

Gain 30/40/50% more Bloodpoints for actions in the Hunter Category.

Territorial Imperative
Territorial Imperative
Survivors' auras are revealed to you for 4/5/6 seconds when they enter the basement and you are more than 24 meters away from the basement entrance.

Territorial Imperative can only be triggered once every 45 seconds.


Hunting Hatchets
Hunting Hatchets
A skill taught by her mother and mastered in the wild. The Huntress can hurl Hatchets with deadly precision.

Start the trial with 5 Hatchets.

Charge throw for maximum throwing speed.

Refill Hatchets at Lockers.


Yellowed Cloth
Yellowed Cloth
Increases thrown hatchet speed by 10%.
Coarse Stone
Coarse Stone
Hitting a target increases the volume of their grunts of pain by 50% until healed.
Bandaged Haft
Bandaged Haft
Decreases Hatchet throw cooldown by 10%.
Amanita Toxin
Amanita Toxin
Hatchets inflict Blindness for 60 seconds.
Weighted Head
Weighted Head
Hatchets inflict Incapacitated for 10 seconds. Incapacitated prevents Survivors from healing, repairing, sabotaging, cleansing, blessing, mending, or using items.
Shiny Pin
Shiny Pin
Increases The Huntress' movement speed by 5% while aiming or throwing a Hatchet.
Oak Haft
Oak Haft
Decreases Hatchet throw cooldown by 20%.
Manna Grass Braid
Manna Grass Braid
Decreases time required to wind up a Hatchet throw by 8%.
Leather Loop
Leather Loop
Start with 1 extra Hatchet. Increases maximum carried Hatchet amount by 1.
Venomous Concoction
Venomous Concoction
Hatchets inflict Exhausted for 5 seconds.
Rusty Head
Rusty Head
Hatchets inflict Mangled.
Rose Root
Rose Root
Increases thrown Hatchet speed by 20%.
Flower Babushka
Flower Babushka
Decreases time required to wind up a Hatchet throw by 12%.
Deerskin Gloves
Deerskin Gloves
Decreases time required to reload Hatchets at a locker by 20%.
Wooden Fox
Wooden Fox
Grants Undetectable for 30 seconds after reloading.
Infantry Belt
Infantry Belt
Start with 2 extra Hatchets. Increases maximum carried Hatchet amount by 2.
Glowing Concoction
Glowing Concoction
Reveals the auras of Survivors hit by Hatchets for 5 seconds.
Begrimed Head
Begrimed Head
Hit target suffers from the Mangled and Hemorrhage status effects until fully healed.
Soldier's Puttee
Soldier's Puttee
The Huntress moves 4.6 m/s when she has no Hatchets.
Iridescent Head
Iridescent Head
Successful Hatchet hits immediately put healthy Survivors into the dying state. Sets maximum number of carried Hatchets to 1.